Sunday 13 December 2009

India's food Grain Problem Solved !!

Yes you heard me right. We have been able to give a sustainable solution to our perennial problem of food grain shortage. Whats more , if the strategy works it may even be scaled up to meet the export targets too.

We start from hunger. Thus solving hunger. As simple as that. How ingenuous.

Have a look at this - More Indians are taking to hunger strikes. Thus the current food production will certainly end up being double the demand thus boosting our grain exports.

If you get more states in the bargain, all the more better because as a food sufficiency strategy the hunger campaigners must become successful in getting their own spaces declared as states. Only then can it serve as an incentive to drive more people on the hunger strike path.

But tell me something - If so many people are ready to go hungry, why are we complaining of food shortage in the first place?

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